Sunday, July 7, 2019

July 1, 2019

The Last One

24 things I’ve learned in 24 months.

Well, I figured that finishing the mission deserved a good email finally so I’ve actually put lots of thought into this one. The idea was to share a little bit of what these months in Argentina really have meant to me. This will probably be pretty long, so Id like to congratulate beforehand those few who make it to the end!

1.I have superpowers. I developed the super power here to make people disappear just by knocking on a door.  But I did learn that sometimes the truth has to be defended and that sometimes that involves enduring persecution. It´s something I do with pleasure now. 

2.Confidence. I think one of the great turning days in my life and mission was when I learned to walk with my head up and notice what happens around me. I´ve learned how to defend what I hold sacred and true. I know who I am and I know of the potential I have a well!

3. The importance to take care of our bodies. Our bodies are a gift from God and just like everything else in the gospel, what we get out of it depends on what we put into it. So I have come to learn and understand that physical health is super important and that by taking care of my body, it really does have a direct influence on my spiritual health. 

4. How to lead. I had the opportunity to try a little of everything as far as leadership goes in the mission. What I learned is that the key is loving those you lead. I found that the assignments I enjoyed the most weren´t those that were ¨big¨ with lots of people in my stewardship. My favorites were the ones that allowed me to spend more time with less people. I learned that leading is about loving people and guiding them through example.   

5. How to follow. I learned what it means to sustain our leaders. What we do should make their lives easier. We should help them and allow them to magnify their callings. I learned how to follow counsels and gained a testimony of the reality and importance of priesthood keys.

6. How much I really do love this church. I knew this before the mission too, but getting the opportunity to teach about and defend this church just made me love it so much more. Studying the doctrine and having more interaction with other beliefs just made me so sure that this really is the true church of Jesus Christ. nothing else even comes close. Just look at the fruits and its obvious. 

7. The Restoration. This kinda has to do with number 6 but I learned that the Restoration is real and still in process. I learned about the apostasy and of how the first vision really changed the world. 

8. This is a gospel of covenants. The mission has taught me so, so much about how to return to God. Covenants are the only way. It could be the most important of all the things I learned here. That´s why I love so much baptism and the temple. The mission is about more than baptizing, but there isn’t anything more important than helping other people receive covenants through the priesthood of God. Covenants are how God teaches us to become like Him. 

9. People cross our path for a reason. I love so many people here. I’ll be hurt to leave them. I know that every person I talked to, every person I taught and every soul I helped bring closer to Christ did the same for me. I can´t imagine my life without some of the people I met here. Converts, investigators, members and other missionaries. They are all part of who I´ve become and I love them forever for that. 

10. How to sacrifice. I know what Jesus meant when he said we have to lose ourselves to find ourselves. It was very hard to learn but I learned it the day I chose to sacrifice EVERYTHING I had to God. The day I chose to sacrifice what I once had was the day God gave me it all back, but He gave it back to me better. Sacrifice is the way to sanctify something. And that´s why God can’t take anything from me, because I give it all to Him.

11. I hate false doctrine. false doctrine and Satan. I have come to love The Truth and it just bugs me when something isn´t true. I know some people really believe it but that really doesn’t matter. It´s just not true. They´re wrong. Truth belongs to God and it never changes. 

12. The need to magnify our callings. This church is fueled by service. If we don’t give of ourselves and serve in the church, the church doesn’t function right and it impedes people from receiving the Truth. God gives us callings for a reason and we are responsible for magnifying them with all our heart, might, mind and strength!

13. God can protect us physically and spiritually. My mission is a pretty dangerous one but not once did anyone rob me nor was I in any situation too dangerous. Yes I was in some close calls and sketchy situations but I saw that God really did keep us safe as we worked in complicated neighborhoods. And if we are obedient to the commandments, they create a spiritual protection that can be lifesaving!

14. T9 technology. This ones kinda dumb but I´ve used a small phone straight out of the year 2000 for the past 2 years and I´m pretty proud of how fast I can type on it. If you don´t know what t9 is, you probably never had to use an old flip phone! 

15. Spanish. While I´m at it being a little sarcastic with this, I thought I´d point out that I did indeed learn Spanish while living in Argentina. 

16. Patience. I think one of the most important things I´ve learned is how to be patient and diligent and optimistic at the same time. It´s a hard balance sometimes. But patience isn´t just sitting around waiting, it’s getting up and doing what we need to all while waiting on the Lord. And I´ve learned to be patient with myself and others!

17. People allow what we allow them to be. what I mean by that is that lots of times we put limits on people by how we think of them and treat them and by doing so it greatly limits their ability to grow. We need to believe the best in others and see them for their potential!

18. I was very blessed at birth. I feel very, very blessed to have been born in the covenant in a family where the spirit could be felt. I took that for granted. There is a different feeling in the homes of faithful latter day saints and the rest of the world. I also feel blessed to have been born in the United States of America and to have all the opportunities and commodities that I could ever want!

19.I can do hard things. The mission was very hard all things considered. It has been mentally, physically, emotionally and even spiritually strenuous but I´ve become a better person in the process of learning to lean on the Savior. I know that I am capable to do anything He asks of me with His help! 

20.I love my family. I always knew this but going without them for two years really made me appreciate them a lot more. I love my family and I know that I was extremely blessed to be sent to this earth in their company. They are a huge strength to me!

21. Go to Gethsemane every week. That’s something that President Allred tells us lot. We need to visit Gethsemane every week, repent daily and take the sacrament each week to be able to continue growing in purity and power. There is nothing that could keep me from going to church each Sunday because I know that is where I will have access to the redemptive power of the Atonement of Christ.
22. Charity. I learned how to love people in spite of differences and even persecutions. I dunno if you knew this but Argentina doesn’t exactly love the USA or the church so I had lots of opportunities to exercise the character of Christ and come to love those who treat me poorly which is charity in and of itself I guess. 

23. The gospel can uphold us. When I had hard days, prayer kept me going. Daily scripture study filled me with the light of Christ. There is nothing more important. 

24. EVERYONE should be missionaries. Even if it’s not for full time, we owe it to God and Christ to help others gain access to the Atonement of Christ through covenants. 

I guess these aren’t the only things I learned nor necessarily the biggest. Just some that came to my mind as I wrote. I love you all lots! I know that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ and that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know it for certain.

Elder Nixon 

I don't have any from this week so i just clicked on some random ones. One is a throwback to when i made it into Argentina!

June 24, 2019

Well this week I had a pretty big trial. A member offered to cut our hair for free and it was by far the worst haircut of my life. So that was a bummer. Luckily there’s a less active in our area that took pity on me and fixed it for free too but there were a few days of shame and now my hair is super super short just in time to come home! I´ll send some pics. Just look at my hair in the picture with the pizza and try not to cringe. You can see the transformation in the pictures. 

Other than that this week was good. The persecution continues in this area which is making it hard for me to love the people sometimes. I got hit in the butt this week by a little kid with a slingshot so I basically rank with all the great prophets of old who were stoned for their beliefs! 

But I did see this week that when we follow the advice of our priesthood leaders and fulfill their invitations, the Lord really does bless us. I know that this is the Lords work and that He guides it. It´s been really hard for us to get people to church and our president gave us 5 things to do during the week and promised us it would give us more people in church. We tried really hard and had 5 people in church. That was pretty neat!

con amor,

Elder Nixon

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

June 17, 2019

I dunno if it was big news in the states, but here it was huge news. The power of half of South America went out yesterday morning. How? I have no clue. But i heard that 50 million people didn't have power yesterday and I was one of them! So i guess that's kinda cool.

This week I went on lots of splits to train some of my missionaries in the zone and so that my comp could go to Rosario and do some paperwork to stay here legally. It was fun to have a change of pace but I was thankful for the days that I could work normally in my own area with my own comp.

Miracle of the week- we had no lunch on Sunday and nothing in the pension to eat when out of nowhere we got invited to a Father's day FEAST with an incomplete family. I'll send pics. 

I love you all lots

Elder Nixon

June 10, 2019

For the One

This week we had zone conference. My last zone conference. It was one of my favorites from my whole mission. The spirit was very strong and I got to bear my testimony as all departing missionaries have done here for years. We talked a lot about the sacred nature of baptism and I loved something that Sister Allred said as she talked about our purpose. "Be the one for the one" I love that. We need to be the one that someone needs. That´s what it means to minister i guess. We should love people as individuals and strive each day to be the one who God answers their prayers through.

I had to say some of my last goodbyes to some of the Elders in the mission in the conference and that was really hard. I´m very thankful to have people here that mean enough to me to make it hard to say goodbye!

Other than that it was a very normal week. Lots of tracting and lots of opportunities to defend the Truth!!!

Love you all lots

Elder Nixon

June 3, 2019

Well every week as I look read my emails and start to finish up I start writing these group emails for everyone to know how I´m doing and I realize that I have no clue what to write. You would think that after having written almost 100 of these for almost two years I´d be better at this. But nope!

Something uplifting that happened this week was the follow up lesson we had with the guy who had the weird dream I wrote about last week. We prayed, fasted, and practiced. We studied and put together a great lesson, only to have the appointment fall through. Then on Saturday, my comp felt inspired that we needed to go by his house. It was far away but we walked over and found him just getting home and he let us in. We shared what we had prepared and it literally could not have gone better. It was a pretty awesome experience. My comp and I couldn't count the amount of tender mercies that God pulled off to let us have that lesson. It was pretty great.

The work goes on my friends.

Elder Nixon

May 27, 2019

Well I'm already out of time. This week were transfers and I will be staying here in Castelli with Elder Cannon as the DL.

This week Satan made a dude were teaching dream of a dwarf holding the Book of Mormon threatening to kill his kids and he took it as an answer from God that the Book of Mormon is from the devil. I'm TICKED at Satan. Completely ticked off. I´m not sure what made this guy think that God would respond through confusion and fear but he didn't want to hear what we had to say..... :(

Love you all lots

Elder Nixon

This plate of spaghetti I'm holding was the single grossest thing I've had to choke down on the mission. We ate it with this nice old lady. Shes also the one who gave me that large butter knife in the other picture to try and cut down some weeds. It was a great service project!! ;)

May 20, 2019

This week we found a great family, Gabriel and Liliana. He started reading the book or Mormon and LOVED it. He said he couldn't put it down and wants to learn more. The only problem is that his dad in law is a pastor from a different religion and has been working against us a little. But something I've learned in my mission is that the Truth is easy to teach and easy to defend. It just stands for itself. We just need to be familiar with the TRUTH and then we are going to be in good position to build our foundations on Christ Jesus. 

Other than that it was a week like any other. Lots of contacting and teaching, lots of new people and lots of commitments extended! We´re working hard to help change the mission for the better!!!

con amor,

Elder Nixon

A member gave us a lot of meat one day for lunch and I wont lie, I cooked it pretty darn well. :)

Sunday, May 19, 2019

May 13, 2019

Well this was a great week. And that´s all the time I have so just know I love you all lots. I might not write much, but at least I´m consistent ;)

May 6, 2019

This week in church an RM in our ward talked about how happy he was to have gone back to the temple after his mission and I couldn´t help but think how nice it will be to go back after 2 years without being able to visit. I just wanted you all to appreciate being able to visit the temple so much and do everything you can to go as much as you can! 

In other news this week was a little slower. Not as many people let us in and I got to practice my contacting even more!!! I´m a pro by now, trust me. Maybe the government will hire me in secret services cuz I can figure out where someone lives, how many people are in their family, when they are usually home and not home, and their religious background in like 2 minutes. 

I had zone conference this week too. I dunno if anyone really cares to know that but I guess it makes it look like I put more effort into this email than I really am.

I love you all lots!!

Elder Nixon

April 29, 2019 idea

It rained lots this week. Also, I ran out of contact solution and had to wear my glasses and they were always getting wet so I guess you could say my trials have been great. ;) 

We found the greatest woman this week, Paola. She´s kinda like a beam of sunshine in the middle of a giant ghetto. If it weren’t for her, we´d never go back ;)

Other than that I’m doing really well with Elder Cannon too. We spend the day making jokes and laughing so I´m thankful for his friendship. 

We had a ward activity this week and were able to actually get the members to come so that was a huge success! Now we just need to figure out how to get the investigators to come..... ;)

Love you all lots

Elder Nixon

April 22, 2019

La Pascoa

This Easter we celebrated by cooking "lamb" We tricked the other elders in our ward into thinking that we had bought a sacrificial lamb to observe the Passover, but it was really just cow. Don’t tell them that though cuz they still don’t know :)

I just wanna bear my testimony to you all this week. I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and I know that He is my Savior. I know that His Gospel is the only way to become pure and be able to become as He is. I know that He resurrected and that He will one day raise me up too. Above all, I know that He has the power to heal us. And I know that repentance and covenants are essential to be able to receive an eternal family.

I love you all lots,

Elder Nixon

Thought you might like to appreciate that i literally live in a garage :)

April 15, 2019

Well today I got transferred from Villa Constitucion to Castelli in the zone Pergamino. I’m very excited to get to know the area and carry the Lords work forward here. I had lunch with the elders here today and know that I’ll be able to make some great friends here!
It was hard saying goodbye. The best part though was I got to say goodbye by baptizing one of my favorite persons in all my mission. It was actually the man that my uncle taught twenty years ago.... He had a long and interesting conversion but in the end he came through for my very last day in the area!
God guides us. I know that He controls every change and every detail of our lives. The things he does to us today and to prepare us for our trials tomorrow. And even more than that, they are to prepare us for our triumph tomorrow as well :)
I love you all lots.
Elder Nixon

I had to say goodbye to villa constitucion. Here are some of the pics from that!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

April 8, 2019

Yesterday Juan Pablo Villar gave a talk where he talked about accompanying his missionary brother. I would just like you all to know that I was sitting next to him and announcing a zone conference with him a few weeks ago! 

This Friday I saw a cat get run over. I didn´t know that cats could jump so high when every bone in their body is already crushed.

What a privilege to listen to the prophets and apostles this weekend. I know that they are true servants of God and that they have been called by Him to guide His true church. Please don´t just let listening to the talks be enough. Study them and apply them. Make plans to change and make plans to help others on the covenant trail!! :))

I love you all lots!

Elder Nixon

April 1, 2019

This was a very average week!! The highlight was that Juan Carlos is finally progressing more like we want. We started teaching him a few months ago and we could tell he was golden but he’s needed some polishing I guess. He’s come to chuch three weeks in a row and came to a few activities this week, even one that we weren’t at! We’re super hopeful we’ll be able to resolve a few of the problems he still has and be able to baptize him soon! 

We lost lots of people this week too. It made me think of the verse in Moses that talks about being permitted to taste the bitter to be able to appreciate the sweet. That is definitely something I have found to be true on the mission!!

Love you all lots

Elder Nixon

March 25, 2019

La Restauracion

This week I gained a greater testimony of the restoration of the Gospel. There were two lessons this week that really stood out. The first was with Marianana. She has a baptismal date but does not want to come to church. We reviewed the restoration with her to try and find her doubt and we discovered she was very skeptical about Joseph Smith. We had a great lesson that was very inspired. At the end of it, we all kneeled and I gave the last prayer asking God if it was all true. The spirit filled the room and I honestly felt "fire in my bosom"
The next day we found ourselves in the living room of some very rich "Evangelicos" I don’t know what religion would be in English but basically, they were determined to let us know the error of our ways. We shared the Book of Mormon and after avoiding all their efforts to Bible bash, I suggested that they read and pray about the Book of Mormon and we would take and read the three pages of notes they had prepared beforehand to convince us Joseph Smith was not a prophet and we would pray about it.
We followed through on our part and their ideas were just so flawed. As i prayed to know if what they had written was true, I came to better understand what a "stupor of thought" feels like. Mainly because all of the thoughts written on those papers were stupid ;)
I testify that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that this is the True and Restored Church of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon is the word of God.
Elder Nixon
(just for the record, if I had wanted to, I totally could have won in the Bible bash)

Sunday, March 24, 2019

March 18, 2019

This was a great week! We had a zone conference and talked lots about unity and the importance of working together to accomplish our goals. I could see how that helped in the teaching of me and my companion this week. 

We had a lesson this week with a GREAT couple. Jimena is a member that came back to church a few months ago and Lucas is her boyfriend. We have had some really powerful lessons with them and this week we had to give the chastity talk. We basically proposed marriage for him and they accepted but it was not easy to get to that point. I’ll never forget when my companion took off his name tag, pointed to the name Jesus Christ and declared that as representatives of Jesus Christ we promised them as His representatives that by living the law of chastity they would never again worry about where they would get the money to provide for their family. I then shared a scripture and when invited them to live the law of chastity, they both humbly responded that they would. It felt like there was lightning in the room the spirit was so strong. It was Awesome. 

There are great things happening in the Lords true and restored church. Now is the time to prepare ourselves to be able to fulfill His great purposes.

Elder Nixon

March 11, 2019


We are going good out here in the mission! I’m not sure how many of these group emails I´ve written during my mission, but it’s getting kinda hard to come up with things to say! :) 

I guess the coolest part of this week was when I threw up on one of the persons that were teachings porch. Luckily it was early in the morning Sunday morning and only a few little kids saw me. No one came out of the house so we just left and left my dinner there too. ;) I bet that will be something my comp never forgets. Poor elder Nixon sitting on a ghetto chair in the middle of a ghetto in his suit and tie hucking up everything. It was terrible but I can appreciate the humor of it!

I also had fun this week with my new comp. His name is Elder Packer. He’s from Washington and has been in the mission for 7 months. We get along really well. I’ve been super blessed throughout my mission as far as companions go. I’ve never had one that I can’t get along with and it could be that I’ll get along best with Elder Packer!  

I know that this is the Lords work and I know that when we give all of ourselves, the Lord gives even more. 

Elder Nixon

the sisters from our district went home and this was their idea of their last picture. Were all lined up in the order we go home...

the other pic is me and Elder Smith when he said goodbye to some kids weve been teaching. Theyre really good kids but have lots of worldy influences fighting against us. 

the last pic is when we tried to get the sisters home on last monday. We had to wait outside in the pouring rain 45 minutes waiting for a bus to pass. It was super early in the morning so the pic didnt turn out well but you can get the idea. 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

February 25, 2019


Well this week was HOT. I think the highest it got to was 98 degrees with around 100 percent humidity. If you’ve never had the opportunity to sweat until literally even your tie is wet, I hope God gives you the chance someday. It’s a great learning experience ;) 

Other than the heat this week was good. It was a little harder but nothing we can’t handle. We had a few GREAT lessons with a man named Javier. We started to talk about the atonement of Jesus Christ and we started up discussing Mercy and Justice. Then my comp jumped in out of no where with a GREAT scripture that just brought the spirit. It was a great ´proud dad´ moment. 

Trust in the SpĂ­rit and it will guide you!

Elder Nixon

February 18, 2019


This week we had 2 conferences with the Elder Juan Pablo Villar of the seventy! It was pretty awesome! I got to direct on of them so I sat up on the rostrum with him and got to talk a little with him about the mission and little chit chat like that. It was pretty cool! We received lots of training on how to better work with the members here and use preach my gospel. 

I also learned lots this week about how to commit people to be baptized on a specific date. Hopefully it helps us help more people get baptized!! 

Yesterday was going pretty rough when I remembered that a lady had told us a few days ago in the streets that another women that lived on another street might be interested in our message. It was a huge shot in the dark and usually not something I’d pay attention to but I felt like we should go to that street and the first house we contacted on that street was her. Antonela. She let us in right away and by the end of the lesson had a baptismal date and is committed to come to church this Sunday!! It was a huge testimony that God is directing His work!!

Elder Nixon

me and the zls on divisions and the sisters had a baptism in the ward and my comp got to do the ordinance so heres a pic of that too!

February 11, 2019

This week was really great. One of the highlights was the investigator I wrote home about a few weeks ago that my uncle taught, Juan Carlos, finally accepted a baptismal date!!! He still has to resolve a few problems with the law of chastity so it won´t be easy but I´m super hopeful that he can get baptized here soon! 

Well, that´s all I got time for. Love you all lots.

Actually, I’ll put in a deep thought for meditation that my presidente told me. 

Today is the tomorrow we talked about yesterday.   Live up the days that you have when you have them!

Elder Nixon

I thought you all should be able to appreciate this great baptismal photo. Also Argentina has really cool money :)