Sunday, June 24, 2018

June 18, 2018


I´m not really sure what to put this week honestly. It was good. Some days were really cold and some were just right but I´m just thankful to not live 24/7 drenched in my own sweat anymore. Those months were terrible. 

This week I gave a baptismal interview that was INTENSE. Obviously, I can´t write much about it but I can bear testimony that repentance is very real and something that we all must do to be clean of our sins. It´s not a bad thing. It is an opportunity to grow and change. 

That’s all I got folks. I’m gonna write better next week.... Happy Father´s day too! 

goofing off during a open church tour. Divisions with my zl Elder Alves. and the last one is me in front of the infamous Casino at night. I see it almost every day.

June 11, 2018

A Week of Meat

This last Monday we had our own meat cook as a district and this week we did it as a zone so it´s been really good. The members stopped giving us lots of meat ‘cuz it got really expensive so we all chipped in and bought it for ourselves.

I’m not sure what else has happened. We´ve spent lots of time knocking doors this last week. I´m sure this week will have lots more of that. I was able to do splits with my zone leaders and that was lots of fun. 

I dunno what else to put. I love this work and am doing good. Remember always the importance of the Book of Mormon. It´s been too long since I´ve reminded you all of that. Read it every single day and I know you will come to know and love your Savior more.

con amor,

Elder Nixon

one is of my zone today in our zone tshirts. They all say "May the baptisms be with you" and "have darth vader" on it. the other is our zone cooking the meat Argentina style over live coals, nothing else. and a good pic of the meat of course.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

June 4, 2018

World's Best Dad (me) Oh, and My Dad

This was a really great week. I’m really loving being a trainer. Elder Arroyo is a complete stud. Every now and then I just sit back and let him run ‘cuz he does an amazing job. The other day he got so excited in the lesson he literally stood up and just started to testify. So, you could say I’m a pretty great trainer. 

This week I also contacted the house that Messi was born in. It´s abandoned now but that was still pretty dope. 

Also, this week we ran into two pastors in the streets that just attacked us verbally. Let me tell you it is so easy to defend the truth. It defends itself because it is TRUTH: all we have to do is testify of it. 

I love you all so much. Thanks for all your prayers in my behalf :))

con amor,

Elder Nixon

pay day baby. also a pic from divisions with the zone leaders and one from our trip to the city center this week by the Parana River